Three words: capture, connect, consolidate.

Marketing technology doesn’t have to be complicated. Popmenu is the easy wat to gather guest preferences, connect with your diners, and consolidate tools.

I want to grow

For however you want to grow...


"I want to increase my income on weekdays."


"I want customers to return more often."


"I want to be a hub for events and businesses."


"I want my BOH and FOH to work better together."


"I want more people to know about my restaurant."

For however you want to grow


"I want to increase my income on weekdays."


"I want more people to know about my restaurant"


"I want my BOH and FOH to work better together."


"I want to be a hub for events and businesses."


"I want customers to return more often."

"Popmenu has taken this 35-year-old business to a new level. When a technology like this can drive more customers to your business, increase your margins, and keep your business running more efficiently, that is when you are truly successful."
Andy Tiftikidis | Owner, Ocean Deli Pizza

All the tools to grow your restaurant, all working together.


The easy way to capture more guests and their preferences to serve up what they crave.

Leverage our robust suite of tools to capture insights into what your guests want and love from their favorite restaurant.

Pantry Staples


Grow your followers with built-in prompts that capture guest info—so you can invite them back for more of the good stuff.

Interactive Menu

Every menu interaction makes your website easier to find on Google—so you capture more guests straight from the search bar.

Online Ordering

Guests order directly from your website every time and automatically become a follower on their first order.

Preferred Ingredients
Specialty Additions


The easy way to automate personalized marketing and get them wanting seconds.

Stay top-of-mind and build authentic relationships with guests by using modern technology that drives new and repeat business.

Pantry Staples


From delicious photos and fresh reviews to weekly specials and limited-time menus, great relationships with guests start with an engaging website.

Interactive Menu

Learn guest preferences based on what they ‘like’ and review on your menu and send personalized messages to invite them back.

Online Ordering

Online ordering that talks to your marketing tools—so every order creates an opportunity to connect with your guests and drive more repeat revenue.

Preferred Ingredients
Specialty Additions


The easy way to consolidate your tools and trim the fat from your operations.

Make all your systems work better together, reducing human error, improving operations, and finally conquering the chaos that is multiple platforms.

Pantry Staples


Easy-to-use website tech that makes on-the-fly updates to pages, announcements, and menus quick and simple (no, seriously!).

Interactive Menu

Our agile menus allow you to easily add, edit, or 86 items to keep your offerings fresh and exciting.

Online Ordering

Commission-free online ordering that's built into your website—giving you more control over your revenue.

Preferred Ingredients
Specialty Additions

Never doubt the next best action for your restaurant.

Make informed decisions to improve efficiency and increase revenue across all areas of your business.

Performance Snapshot

See when guests are visiting your website and learn from their reviews and dish likes.

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Marketing Overview

Gain insight into how your marketing campaigns are performing and driving revenue.

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Ordering Overview

Discover peak order times and your top-selling dishes to optimize your ordering operations.

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Answering Overview

Learn when your guests are calling the most and what they're calling about.

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Website Overview

Explore how guests are interacting with your website.

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Get your personalized recipe for growth here!